It’s OK to go on Vacation While You are on your Debt-Free Journey!

It’s okay to enjoy the fruits of your labor by going on vacation while you are on your debt-free journey!

But it’s important to have a plan before you go on vacation.

Avoid these four mistakes:

1. Avoid paying for everything at the last minute. If possible, try to buy your plane tickets, housing, and transportation a few months in advance, and maybe one thing per month or per paycheck.

2. Avoid getting into more debt. If you don’t have the cash to pay for it, then it means you can’t afford it right now. Don't be afraid to remind yourself that it's ok to wait. You want the trip to be fun, not a burden.

3. Make sure your bills and expenses are priorities, and everything else comes after that, yes, including the vacation.

4. You don’t have to eat takeout for every meal. Be ok with cooking if you have a kitchen or finding ways around eating out the whole time.

If you need help creating a budget for the summer or managing your finances in general, my calendar link is below!